Choose Kindness

Image of Black woman with multicolored box braids leaning over smiling at a Black man with a short curly haircut, sitting in a wheelchair. She has her hands on his shoulders and he's smiling back her. Text states: "Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
When the opportunity arises, choose kindness."

Day 4 “It’s Nice to Be Nice” #THANKYOUNOV Podcast Series
Share & Let’s Live! w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist

Today, I had multiple opportunities to be kind and helpful. And I took every single opportunity. It felt good to be helpful, but most importantly, I was thinking about the other person and offered, not to make myself feel good, but because they looked like they needed the help and I wanted to support.

So often in our society people are nervous to offer help. People are afraid to be rejected or to offend somebody. I get that. AND I’m still offering. I will offer if it seems the person is having a hard time, and I’ll phrase it in a way that I believe is purely kind. I don’t make the assumption that a person can’t do it themselves. I just offer to help. “Can I help you with that?” It’s really that simple. They can always say, “No,” or “I’ve got it.” “Would you like me to get that for you?” Most times I receive one of two responses, “No. That’s okay. Thank you. I’ve got it,” or just a look of relief combined with, “You’d really do that for me?”

Many people in our society are jaded from personal experiences, and probably more from what they’ve heard other people say. Well, when I have an opportunity to be kind, and I’m in a place to do so (mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, etc.), I’ll offer. And if they don’t want/need my help, that’s fine. But what if they really do? What if I was there at that time because they needed someone kind to support them? What if they were just thinking or praying for some kind soul to come by and offer to help, but I didn’t offer because of some story I made up in my head?

I’m gonna choose kindness. I hope you’ll also choose kindness.
Check out today’s podcast where I share the actual story of what happened today.

Remember to choose kindness.


Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist

If you’d like to listen to the podcast episode associated with this blog post, please use the button below to listen.

Published by Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist

Marlene Dillon is the CEO of MDillon Designs & Publishing. I teach girls to believe in themselves and choose relationships that support their goals. I teach children that their dreams are possible and that they are lovable. I teach parents to communicate with their children in healthy ways. In short, I.U.S.E. people. Inspire. Uplift. Support. Empower.

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