Shifting the Story We Tell Ourselves

Press play to listen to today’s podcast episode that goes with this blog post and meme! BTW, I cuss, so listen when the kids aren’t around.

So much of what fuels our anxieties are stories we tell ourselves about what will happen, go wrong, etc. And the wild part about it is that we don’t even truly believe a lot of those stories. Whether it’s because we know from a scientific standpoint that the belief is illogical or that we have enough experiences to disprove it, we often hold on to beliefs that don’t serve us because we never decided to let them go.

Today, I was doing well most of the day, resting and enjoying not doing work. However, as the day progressed I began to feel “bad” about not doing more. I’m so grateful for this podcast because I got to hear what a wonderful day I’ve had and to remind myself that rest is a good thing, and getting work done when I want to is good, too.

I noticed some root causes of the guilt that began to creep in as the day progressed. I talk about all of this on today’s podcast. Check it out. It may help you process and release some beliefs, too!


Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist

Published by Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist

Marlene Dillon is the CEO of MDillon Designs & Publishing. I teach girls to believe in themselves and choose relationships that support their goals. I teach children that their dreams are possible and that they are lovable. I teach parents to communicate with their children in healthy ways. In short, I.U.S.E. people. Inspire. Uplift. Support. Empower.

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